Friday, April 10, 2009

classic fanboi arguments are still pissing me off.

Why does this happen so often?

It seems that every time I leisure on over to the industry discussion forums at Cheap Ass Gamer, which I guess is the community I'm most active in (I'm not a big forum guy), there is always someone in some thread writing about how "its all about gameplay! Graphics don't matter! The Wii is the only real inovation of this generation! Blah blah blah blah!" I don't know why, but this argument frustrates me more than any other argument you ever hear in the flame bait ridden world of gaming fandom. This bugs me even more than the classic "PC gaming is dying" one,which even as a rabid pc player, is true in some forms (Ill save my explanation of that for another post), because this own is truly built on a really simplistic world view that is brutal with subjective facts and lack of intellectual curiosity, I realize this is just games here, but it still frustrates me.
My issue with this argument, which, let's all admit (we're all adults here), come from your average Nintendo fanboi on an eeirely regular basis. I guess I just don't understand it. It's so neo-ludditic on the graphics front thats it presumes that there is no real difference in gameplay of Doom and say, Halo 3 or Killzone 2 (notice the fanboi fairness... who knew I was this good!).
Maybe I'm crazy, but the sense of weight one gets from the weapons in Call of Duty or the scale of view of the Capital Wasteland are still pretty important to my experience in games. Who knows, maybe my experiece in Fallout 3 would have been exactly the same if I put my draw distance scale to the minimum, but the shrunken magnitude of the world, would, I believe effect my
enjoyment of the game. Hey whatever, I must be nuts to get caught up by the silly distinction that is graphics.
I don't care about graphics engines, physics engines, 8-cell chips, mega textures or anything if it doesn't aid to the enjoy of the product, but don't just discount the ability of images to improve one's game experience for the sake of being negative. Hey, but whatever, maybe im the neo-luddite.

Post #2 done!

-By the way, how awesome is the Justic record Cross. It's prety much like if in stead of cold robots, daft punk were cold robots drenched in really, really good congac. Ok that's absurd, but its true, I swear!-

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