The issue of the New York 23rd is so incredibly fascinating too me, but not just for the media attention. Scozzafava's decision to suspend her campaign is to me more of a metaphor than anything else. It is a symbol of the "moderate" republicans throwing their hands up in the air and saying one thing: I quit.
I don't mean they quit the party or they quit politics. There may be as many of them in the party as there are "Teabagger"conservatives, possibly more, but the louder they teabag, the harder it is to think, much less try to run any sort of political strategy. The Teabagger philosophy is one purely of negative action and negative thinking: attack the liberals, attack the Obama administration, attack the republican party if it is not in line with their ideology perfectly. They are a destructive element in the conservative movement.
For all we know, Hoffman will most likely win now, which will cause the teabaggers to cry victory. But I do think the price of this will be greater than someone being slightly more pure ideologically in a solidly conservative district.
Anyways, Happy November assholes.